
Mars-1, Mario Martinez

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Welcome to Mars1 or the world of Mario Martinez. This left handed artist creates work that is rather like his chosen name. His work is a colourful world where sci-fi meets Salvadore dali meets magic realism and completely stumps the viewer by this kind of alien other-worldly beauty. I'm quite at a loss for words and you can see why.

just look at the millions of colours and shapes that come together here."His unique imagery explores possibilities of otherworldly existence through highly developed, multi-layered landscapes."
"At the age of 13, Mars-1 began writing graffiti in his hometown of Fresno. He later attended Academy of Art in San Francisco, where he currently lives and works, remaining heavily active in the city’s contemporary art scene."

This to me looks like the spirit of earth- rather pleased with itself, having cracked the environmental problem :) Eureka!

"The true meaning of Mars-1’s imagery is ultimately left to the viewer’s interpretation. The artist feels this brings his creations full-circle, encouraging his audience not only to decipher the messages he wishes to convey but to receive thoughts and ideas of their own, as well. "
A must see is this link where there are videos of him working. Crazy talent.

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