These past 12 days - ever since I announced the Mug festival has been a flurry of activity at the Artnlight Studio - parcels have been packed steadily and have been shipped across to people from across India. What touched me the most is that this time round there were more people gifting it than people buying it for themselves and as a trend I saw that while people bought a mug or 2 for themselves - they bought more for people who live far away from them. These messages are beautiful and that people felt it would brighten someones day or make a difference to them - made my day. So I'm extending the festival and give-away deadline + the FREE shipping for 3 more days - till Monday - September 2nd night.
So whoever wanted to particiapte and could not - now is the time :)
For people seeing this for the 1st time click this link for all the details.
Now for the Give Away Details :)
What will you win? Your favourite Mug.
What you need to do:
2. Register/sign up on (look at the top right on the website)
3. Share the picture of your favourite Mug from the Artnlight FB album on your FB timeline.
4. Drop on a comment here that you've done all 3.
Who will win?
One lucky winner we will pick randomly :)
New deadline? 2nd September 2014.