I just wrote the thank you post & it felt incomplete. There are so many things which were new about 2010 for me and I did so many things for the 1st time, and I will be lying if I said it was all easy and that I didn't quake in my knees. I did. For most of the year. (Will try to make this post less confessional & preachy than it is promising to be). But through this year I have been getting emails asking how I made the switch. This post is not about how I made the switch, but it is about a few invaluable lessons I learnt after I made it.

Its ok to trust. Facebook is a fun/useful place. This is the one thats been such a revelation, because by nature I'm a private person, so even putting up my own face on facebook was a hurdle, so imagine putting a facebook button here on this blog :) And then agonising each time I hit the accept friend button. The great thing is I have met only appreciative kind people who wants to know you better and to see if they can work/collaborate with you.

Now for the painful stuff: Finish your assignments sooner than later, it means money quicker in your bank. I can't stress the importance of this one for salaried turned fledgling freelancers/entreprenuers.

(All the images in this post have been shot by me at Bhuj, Kerala and at home & I had a field day photoshopping them)