I'm a sucker for succulents. One look at these beauties made by Prashant Varma, a unique designer who not only has green fingers, but is also a brilliant chef, I knew the news HAD to be put out. Those of you who have not checked his design and food blog should absolutely head to 22VofLove and see his very distinct styles of menu illustration. Prashant says about his succulent project "I have always liked the concept of rawness. Something that I can relate to and feel comfortable with. Here I tried fusion of raw measuring tools and natural succulents to form a very contemporary piece. The visual idea is based on Indian measuring tools. The set consists of the jars that are used to measure milk & oil along with brass cylindrical weights embedded in the gravel.
Bad news: currently he only sells in Bangalore where he is based. Good news: they are very reasonably priced and those in Bangalore can actually bring these beauties home. If I were you and if had contacts in Bangalore, I would totally bribe hem to pick these for me & figure out a way to get them to me.
Out of my love for succulents, i bought quite a few of them last year here in Bombay in excitement. Those who follow me on Instagram, might remember meeting them. But here's the sad bit, because I didn't know how to care for them, they did not survive the high levels of moisture the monsoon in this city. I have not given up, I will bring them home again. Maybe if I had bought mine from Prashant they might have survived, maybe I will figure out a way to lay my hands on some of these beauties by 22VofLove.
Prashant's pointers on care for them:
1. Keep in well lit area (natural or artificial lighting) away from direct sunlight
2. Add 1 tbsp of water once a week
3. Talk to them :)
There are 3 size available
1 liter - 5.5" height & 4" dia ~priced at 1490
500 ml - 4.5" height & 3" dia ~ priced at 990
200 ml - 3.5" height & 2" diaT ~ priced at 490
You can write to Prashant if you are interested in buying these at 220voflove@gmail.com
220voflove links: Blog, FB, Insta