Ok, this is a completely impromptu post I am putting together- inspired by a really nice and thoughtful mail sent by a regular reader of artnlight- Vinita, to Archana from Rang decor and me. Here's what she said "I have been reading your blogs for quite sometime now and really enjoying it. You girls enjoy color and nature both so here are some beautiful fall colors for you to enjoy." And this is some of the mood lifters she sent.

Considering fall colours happen to be my fav here's having some quick fun putting nature and decor together.

Splash that wardrobe with Red to see instant drama!
Peachy tones warm heart and home
Red with a dash of green on the cushions brighten this corner
Dine around yellows and bring in the sun
Pumkin shades bathe the walls with a touch of limey green in the corner
And finally, nothing like sleeping under autumnal leaves! I love that effect on the wall!
Psst: Archana-Rangdecor is currently putting together this series of DIY Diwali Decorating Ideas- do check it out, she really has a knack for creating instant eyecandy!