Ok, guys, Its time for me to take a little break. 4 days of no internet, no tv, no camera, no nothing. Happiness. But before I go I'm leaving you with some living room loveliness.

And I've decided to leave you with some great blogs to check while I'm away. These are my favorites. Its a random top of my mind list & this thought to leave you with links is a random last minute decision :) Enjoy!!
Rang Decor: for truly Indian decor goodies.
The plum tree: for some straight from the heart art.
Art Propelled: for brilliant african art and soul.
Munna on the run: for sheer brilliance and inspiration, in every post.
Pecannoot: For abundance inspiration & some really neat art.
There are so many more. just check my link list on the right. See you on Monday! Take care & Be happy !! :)
Images from: Marie Claire Maison, Apartment Therapy, Design Sponge.