I've long been a fan of Jessica Gonacha's art and blog 'treasuring' & now she's gone & done the most brilliant thing possible. In these times when people are loosing their jobs and worrying about finances and future, Jess's new blog 'Pecannoot' is all about Abundance. Here she puts up abundance related designs & visuals that help bring more of it in each of our lives. In Jess's own words-
"we think in pictures. we all have desires and dreams. we all feel discouraged sometimes. what better way to lift our spirits and bring our dreams into being than through pictures? this blog is for that. it's for me and for you, so we can paint and draw and photograph and collage our abundant reality!"

Don't these pieces speak straight to your heart? And you know the best bit? She is inviting artists to submit, I just did & am so so so happy to be featured. This is very close to my heart. Design that makes me feel better/helps me and does the same for the person who sees it is important to me.

Good news 2 is that Jess also has an Etsy shop filled with all manner of her beautiful art. Click here to take a look. I love her colours and her style.

"i am a firm believer that as our thoughts go, so goes our life. what if we only had thoughts of things like diamond trees? wouldn't that create such a world of abundance?!"

"it seems to me like we're all trying to reach the same destination in life: happiness. it also seems like there are infinite paths to get there, and no two paths are the same. we each have to find our own way to it. this print is a visual interpretation of that idea."

She sells pretty 2009 Calenders, Its not too late to get yourselves these little pretties.
Beautiful hand-drawn scrap book paper pack.
And aren't these buttons to die for?
I respect Jess cause she is prolific & consistently produces beautiful work. I have been following her blog treasuring & she updates it often & puts up her work week after week. She is at it all the time. I don't see how 2009 will not bring her an abundance of abundance. Like they say "The harder you work, the luckier you get"

Good news 2 is that Jess also has an Etsy shop filled with all manner of her beautiful art. Click here to take a look. I love her colours and her style.

I respect Jess cause she is prolific & consistently produces beautiful work. I have been following her blog treasuring & she updates it often & puts up her work week after week. She is at it all the time. I don't see how 2009 will not bring her an abundance of abundance. Like they say "The harder you work, the luckier you get"