On the cover of the Kyoorius Design Magazine + interview inside

Monday, November 01, 2010

The fact that I haven't yet shared this BIG NEWS with you guys, is testimony to how crazy-busy last month was. But now I'm breathing & here is the dope: Artlight was on the cover of one of India's coolest design magazines - The Kyoorius Design Magazine. For those in the know, the organisers of the design event of the year the Kyoorius Design Yatra, publish a quaterly that covers all forms of visual communications including press, poster and online ads, brochures, identities, books, magazines, movie and music packaging, websites, illustrations and more. It brings together the most recent exciting works from India in one magazine. Needless to say it is read by the entire design industry and it is truly a moment of pride for me and this blog to be on the Kyoorius Magazine's cover along with design legends like Wolff Olins and international design stars like Neil Kellerhouse. Truth be told, it is downright unreal :)
So for proof I have attached photographs of the real thing - guys this HAS HAPPENED!! :)

When Kyoorius had contacted me for the interview, I had ofcourse spoken to them, not knowing that along with it they will actually mention 'artnlight' on the cover.

The magazine is a treat for the design professional & packed with Indian and International NOW news on design with interesting perspectives and discussions on typography and brands.
Coming up next is this really exciting photo-feature shared by a reader. Stay tuned.

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