The Mug Festival & a give-away
Sunday, August 17, 2014
I have been so excited about throwing this open :) Guys! Welcome to the "Mug Festival" :) - I love that it has a funny ring to it - because funny is happy & that is exactly what this festival is - its just happy time to pick up a happy mug with a message on it. I have been wanting to do this for so long. So I just designed a bunch of mugs with messages on it. Messages that are close to my heart - messages that would make me happy if I saw it around or if I owned it. Messages that are a reminder or a gentle nudge towards how we want to create our day. Some of these may resonate with some of you more than others & that is the point - there is one for everyone. And to make it a little more fun - the shipping is FREE :) on the entire Mugs section. So just go to & choose your mug & order it. And when I was designing these my mind immediately went to a few of my friends & I thought how perfect a particular message might be for a certain friend & so yes gift your friends with a message mug - the one that you feel is made for them.
The festival is happening at the artnlight online store - right here.

Imagine beginning your mornings with "Choose happiness" in your head & heart. What a different day you might have. Imagine gifting this to a particular friend who you know needs just this. You can pick yours here
This is a mug right after my own heart. When i saw this quote on Pinterest (sorry no credits - because I don't know who has written it) I was just grinning ear to ear. This one was MADE FOR ME :) Also whats interesting is that its not an overtly feminine design - so yeah! gift it to your husband/boyfriend/friend - who needs that nudge to book those tickets (yes, I am evil :D) Here's where to get them.
This is the print I designed for the Nisha Sainani Spring Summer collection & thats now made famous with celebrities and film stars wearing it - these are Limited Edition Mugs.
Another version of the above design - this mug has the pink & blue shield on either side of the mug. Limited Edition. Buy yours here
This one is a simple Rose print - in shades of well - rose :) its all pretty english and dedicated to all the lovers of pink - men & women - you know right away if this one is yours & if it is - get it here.
If that was English and pink this is very Indian and Indigo.
This one is close to my heart as well. I feel its difficult not to just naturally compare yourself to someone whose work you admire, and yet there is place for everyone and the whole point is that what one person can make or do in a particular way- no one else can. So getting better than yourself is really where its at.
This one is just a simple, but powerful word. "Abundance". It feels like a blessing almost. I would love to have this as a reminder each day for all the abundance that anyway fills our life, for the abundance of friends, laughter, love we are blessed with and yes, for the abundance of everything that we wish for.
I did a double take when I read this for the 1st time. How powerful. And how true. And how empowering. Everything that I'm doing today, if someone had had told me I would do them some years back - I would have straightaway disbelieved them. But here I am, doing those very things - that seemed impossible, difficult and 'too big for me'. Sometimes all you need is someone to tell you - it is possible, Look Again.
I am so curious to see who will pick what. And which ones will prove popular.
Now for the Give Away Details :)
What will you win? Your favourite Mug.
What you need to do:
2. Register/sign up on (look at the top right on the website)
3. Share the picture of your favourite Mug from the Artnlight FB album on your FB timeline.
4. Drop on a comment here that you've done all 3.
Who will win?
One lucky winner we will pick randomly :)
Deadline? 26th August 2014.
I would love to hear what you feel about this series. Do drop in a comment - Which mug do you like? Why?