
Peacock Boxes on the Artnlight Online Store

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Having an online store disciplines you perforce. I know the range of products I have and with an online store you document your products systematically & when one is missing  - it glares at you, conspicuous by its omission. So while the peacock trays are well photographed, documented and available on the store, the same could not be said for the peacock box. I had 1st made the peacock boxes a whole year ago and yet their turn to get styled and shot individually has just come. Presenting the very popular Peacock Boxes - finally getting their due & finally finding their spot in the sun & in the artnlight store. You can now claim yours right here.

And while the rectangular Sitar Queen tray got shot, the square Sitar Queen got left out. So here she is in all her glory :)
You can shop the range right here :)

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