Robyn Gordon- art from Africa
Wednesday, March 25, 2009Today, meet an artist from South Africa. When I 1st saw Robyn's work it touched a deep chord in me. Pagan and pure, there was something about her work that was very elemental. Carved in wood her totems and figures spoke the language of the earth. Her blogger profile reads: "I am an artist who earns a living by carving wooden totems and panels. I live with my husband and daughter ....and two quirky dogs in a South African suburb surrounded by hills and forest. Art is my passion. When I'm not creating I am thinking about it."
And here's an (email) interview with the hugely talented Robyn. And Thanx Robyn for your beautiful & honest answers.
And here's an (email) interview with the hugely talented Robyn. And Thanx Robyn for your beautiful & honest answers.

R: Not only is it relaxing for me but very healing and I'm absolutely passionate about what I'm doing. It's my means of self expression and for the first time in my life I'm not just doing art to make a living or fit in with what people want or expect. I'm now doing exactly what appeals to me ...for me.
"This door is my representation of a secret portal behind which ancient secrets are kept. In Africa there are many secret portals where objects used for rituals and ceremonies are hidden. Masks, reliquaries and sacred vessels are often only brought out during ceremonies and rituals. Sometimes sacred objects are viewed only by those who have proper rank and knowledge to do so."- Robyn

Robyn: I suppose it's the fact that everything I've ever learned in an art sense is coming into my work. Nothing has been wasted. ...and that goes for all my collected treasures too. All the things I've collected over the years from beaches, forests, flea markets, scrapyards etc can all be used in my work. I love the fact that I am using things that are often thrown away and giving them a new life.