Pasta making in Bangalore
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Before I begin this post, let me reassure you that, yes this is artnlight, no this blog has not become a food blog, no, I am not undergoing any personality transplant. That out of the way, I can get on with this post. Like I said, Bangalore is on my mind what with the Sunday Soul Santhe Round coming up this Sunday,June 17th. Bangalore means family time for me because my brother lives there. He along with being a languages expert (he teaches french and german) is also a gourmet cook, so going to his place means getting spoilt silly with amazing, lovingly cooked food. He and his friend cook up a storm whenever we land up. As to why I'm making a post about food, there is only one reason. I just couldn't get over the fact that he made home-made pasta for us. As in, made the pasta with freshly made dough right there in front of my eyes. The whole process was so beautiful. It never fails to touch me when I see someone so passionate about something that they will go to any extent to do it & it doesn't even seem like an effort to them. I almost missed the 1st batch of the strips of pasta that he hung out to air before I realised what was happening, I grabbed my camera just in time to document the whole process.
All the stuff we hog at his place :)
Drum rolls please!! Here begins the pasta making.....!!
(I can see my brother's eyes rolling at this kind of drama)
(I can see my brother's eyes rolling at this kind of drama)
At this point all my friends all but drove me away - we were famished and I was in everyone's way clicking.
I thought I should leave you with a visual of sugar dusted muffins :) Yes, he made this.
The good news is after a lot of debate and discussion, my brother and his friend have agreed to try this out as a business model and can take orders on breads, muffins, cakes & pastries.
All of you in Bangalore can write to them at praathaap(at)gmail(dot)com or nishil(dot)nair(at)gmail(dot)com for enquiries.