Invite for the launch of 'Pampasutra'
Monday, November 30, 2009I've been a fan of Shilo Shiv Suleman since the time I 1st set eyes on her work (I've blogged about her here). So I was really happy to get an email from her inviting me for her book launch. 'Pampasutra' is the story of a river written by Arshia Sattarand illustrated by the very talented Shilo. And going by the spreads that I saw on the her blog, it looks like one dreamy watery tale that I can't wait to get my hands on.

So everyone in Bangalore- head to Basava Ambara, 93 Kanakapura Road, Basavangudi, Bangalore on the 5th of Dec 09 4.30-7.30. And if fate so ordains, I might be there too :)