
Invite for the launch of 'Pampasutra'

Monday, November 30, 2009

I've been a fan of Shilo Shiv Suleman since the time I 1st set eyes on her work (I've blogged about her here). So I was really happy to get an email from her inviting me for her book launch. 'Pampasutra' is the story of a river written by Arshia Sattarand illustrated by the very talented Shilo. And going by the spreads that I saw on the her blog, it looks like one dreamy watery tale that I can't wait to get my hands on.

The cover of the book

Part of the invite
A few spreads from 'Pampasutra'
These kind of curls and colour scream 'Shilo'

Super cute merchandise- I'd love to get my hands on one of those badges
This is my most fav illustration from her blog- a new self portrait
The cover of Jetwings :) 'Justly Married' :)
But its gems like these which you find strewn on her blog that make your visit so completely worth it
And this one illustration has enough love to hold all the 6 people in it snug in its warmth for years to come. You can read about it here.
So everyone in Bangalore- head to Basava Ambara, 93 Kanakapura Road, Basavangudi, Bangalore on the 5th of Dec 09 4.30-7.30. And if fate so ordains, I might be there too :)

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