
The Conscious Booksmith & Christine Mason Miller

Thursday, May 15, 2014

If you want to write a book - this post is for you. If you have been toying with the idea, wondering if now is the time or 20 years down the line, if this idea of writing your book won't let you be, then please read ahead. 
Christine Mason Miller is leading an E- Course, "The Conscious Booksmith: A Mindful Approach to Creating Your Book! This thoughtfully created E-course - a collaboration with the beautiful Jen Gray and Michelle Madden-Smith of Animist - is a guide for aspiring authors and book-makers. It is filled with tools and inspiration designed to support the creation of a comprehensive book plan reflective of your values, priorities and ideals."
From the time I came across Christine Mason Miller's work on Holly Beckers blog decor8, it had me hooked, with its honesty, with its grace and its gentle genuine voice. From that time to featuring her on this blog, to connecting on facebook, to being part of her book Desire to Inspire, conversations on skype, to meeting deadlines & continual interactions on email, to going over to Los Angeles for the book launch of Desire to Inspire, never once did the feeling of genuine-ness change. I met Christine face to face for the 1st time when I landed in the L.A airport, my 1st journey outside India, she had come to pick me up. I saw her organise everything, meticulously, and I saw how much room she left for things to happen on their own. She is one of the rare people who are equally comfortable with planning and with being open ended. Organised and creative, meticulous and mad. Firm and infinitely gentle. And the result was that, you felt completely taken care of  and there was so much room for fun. Christine nurtures instinctively, she watches, observes and guides without giving you a feeling that you are being guided.
 "To be in the care of Christine's guidance is to gift yourself her gentle wisdom, her nurturing spirit, and her firm belief in the power of personal truth. Christine gives you her whole attention and an unshakable faith in your potential."
{Amy Tingle and Maya Stein, Creators of Food For the Soul Train}
I met her again in Jaipur this year, she had come to India and we spent 2 happy crazy days. She went back to the U.S. and before I knew it, she was posting from Japan. And then she came back to start this E-course. Anyone who has travelled abroad and anyone who has taken an E-course knows how demanding all of this can be. But if there is anyone who can make it seem like a cake walk it is Christine. I want to share this video and so you can hear and see her speak about the course.

Course Details: Christine will facilitate the course live from June 9 - July 18, but all the course content* will be available from the very beginning so you can also choose to go at your own pace.

This is Christine's website. You can contact her and take it from there. How excited you must be :)

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