
My designs for Nisha Sainani 2014 Spring Summer Collection.

Friday, May 16, 2014

A creative collaboration is so much more than these formal words connote. It is the willingly coming together of 2 divergent people, who have 2 different creative visions and it is saying lets see what we can make together. When Nisha Sainani called me in the beginning of this year and asked me if I would design prints for her Spring Summer collection - I was super excited but I also had butterflies in my stomach. I knew nothing of fashion - I didn't follow trends, collections, fashion forecasts - this was completely new territory. And what I did know was that Nisha Sainani's work and my work are stylistically very different. And yet, this just had to be explored. I was not about to pass this one up. So we sat together, she shared with me her vision of what she saw we could do together. We selected our colour palette together and she was very clear that she wanted Florals. And so florals it would be. The place where we met was we were both 'vintage' lovers and we both just wanted to have fun - so that's what we went ahead and did - had a lot of fun. I got to sit in Sainani's beautiful studio (designed lovingly by Design United) and we sat together and created this collection, one design at a time. Sharing with you a few pictures of how "Sunshine, Freedom and a little flower" came to be. 
For me it was such a new experience, new learning, new ways to imagine and visualise. And an opportunity to see and learn closely from a fellow designer. To see how prints translate on fabric, to see how another artist translates my work to another medium and takes it further.
This was the 1st time we put together all the designs and the colour swatches we worked from. And it was it coming together. This was such a happy moment. Till then we were just working, working, working, details, improvement etc etc & suddenly - we zoomed out & looked at what we had. And it was working.

 And this was the 1st print  - we both loved this vintage floral print - but what could we do to make it fun? Put a pink gun in it! :) As far as symbolism goes - we wanted to pull it both ways - nothing gets more masculine than a gun - so paint it pink :)

The next one is a pure romantic print. Old world, vintage and smells of English roses and hints at history.

Then we thought - what if we up the intensity on the Roses?

All florals, variations of the same palette, but 3 very different moods.
Nisha Sainani has shirts, tops, dresses, sarees, gowns and long skirts in these prints.
These are just 3 designs of the many I created for the 'Sunshine, Freedom and a little Flower' collection. Will share more soon, stay tuned. 
Meantime, the give-away is still on. 
All of you who like this collection, all you need to do is:
1. Like the Nisha Sainani Label on FaceBook
2. And give a name/word that comes to your mind about this collection. You can write/post on Nisha Sainani's FB Wall. And ofcourse share and spread the love with all your friends who love fashion and who will be interested.
Nisha Sainani will choose 1 winner from these comments who will get a surprise gift from the all new Spring-Summer 2014 Collection 'Sunshine, Freedom & a little Flower'

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