A quick Hello & Instagram

Thursday, March 06, 2014

I have been away and resting. My laptop has been off more than on. And this has been an unthinkable state of affairs ever since I left my corporate job of an art directors 4 years back. My laptop has been my lifeline and my connection to the world and my work. But for health reasons and for the sake of balance this sabbatical has been necessary. And I have been away spending time in Kerala and now back home but primarily off major work, recharging my batteries, resting, reading, sketching. And Instagramming :)
While I made a conscious effort to stay off facebook on my mobile, something that I could do easily and that still gave me joy was to click a picture of where I was or simply upload a picture from my mobile. So simple. Hardly takes a minute. And yet lets me be in touch my favourite bunch of people. My visual partners, inspirers, and my blogger friends.So this is what my instagram page looks like on the computer.

I'm having a lot of fun uploading pictures that you have seen here before and a few pictures of whats going on at the moment, whether its a click of my sketchbook or an instapic of wherever I am. One picture, a moment frozen in time, a story, a slice of life. 
If any of you have been wanting to know whats up with me or wish to follow me on my instagram, just click me up on this link. Or look for Vineeta Nair or vineetanair222. Or you can click the small instagram icon on the right column.
Look forward to meeting you guys in my instaworld. See ya! :)

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