Thank You!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I had no intention of posting today. But the is the last day of 2008 & I can't let this year go by without saying a bye to a year which gave me so much by way of learning, without saying a thanx to all of you, whom I've gotten to know across the year, without being grateful for your work cause that has taught me so much and maybe even changed me. This is my gratitude post. And the 107th post since this blog began. Last month I touched over a lakh of page views.

Its been one year and 4 months since 'artnlight' came into being & I'm happy to see I'm loving it as much if not more than when I started off. There was a time in the middle when I just didn't feel like making my usual posts and was just creating these designs & that's all I had & I gathered the courage to post them up here. I have made friends and I have shared and I have learnt. But more than anything what this blog & each one of you who read this have given me is myself. I am comfortable & happy with what I do here. And I have got so much appreciation that it is truly humbling.
I'm going to do one Oscar thank you speech and I'm going to mention person by person each one of you who I would have never met otherwise & who have made this journey special for me.

Holly from Decor8 because of whose phenomenal blog this blog exists.
Archana from Rang-decor who continues to inspire me with the way she lives & sees & photographs.
Akshay from Trivial Matters for being ridiculously young and ridiculously talented.
Claude Renault whose way of looking at India permanenlty changed the way I see her.
Peggy from Creative Influences for being a friend and for being an inspiration in the way she just does what she loves continuously.
Sas from Interior Inspiration for blogging the way she does & for being peaceful.
Calie Anderson from NoheaLookbook for being an inspiration in the way she lives life & does what she wants to - no holds barred.
Bhumika for giving me my 1st blogging award and for each of her comments here. She totally 'gets it'.
Nihar Mehta from Tribal Route the 1st decor shop I posted on, for being the brilliant & energetic guy he is.
Aradhana Nagpal from Dhoop for having dreams & making them come true one by one.
Hemant Anant Jain for being the creative and human powerhouse that he is.
Bhavna from an Indian Summer for blogging with such love & style.
Prashant Bhardwaj for his kickass photography & for hand-holding me through my entire camera buying phase.
Melissa Bell from HT for featuring me in Hindustan Times' Livemint.
Masala Chai for unerringly spotting amazing work & featuring it.
Meghna Punter from Arth & Nithya for being so talented & sharing it through her blog.
Embellisher for being talented fingers of the year.
Anil P for writing the way he does & popping in every now and then with encouragement.
Jess Gonacha for being an inspiration in the way she lives her creative life.
Krsta from Luminous Life for being super interesting.
Felicia from This Time Now for having a zest for life & lust for learning & a fabulous eye.
Angie from Studio Wellspring for having a brilliant & diverse blog & for being a complete doll.

And thanx to each one of you who isn't mentioned here. Thank you for stopping by, for commenting, for 'following' this blog. And thanx to all of you who don't 'follow' or comment but still come back to read this space every once in a while. This blog and all you guys mean much to me. BIG HUG! :)
And here's looking forward to a spanking new 2009 filled with loads of inspiration, work & happiness!

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