Play Clan

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Desi cool doesn't get cooler "We are hep, hip and happening. India is shining everywhere and is shining the brightest at PLAY CLAN." I couldn't agree more. Just check out this uber cool land of all things Indian and all things kickass. Play Clan is a store based in Delhi and man do they have a deadly range of hipper than hip products for the gen next. Tshirts, bags, shoes, totes, notebooks, art, cushions, you name it they have it. And all stamped with the unmistakable play clan style.

The square faced guys around the logo is so much part of their signage and character

For me this picture captures so much of what play clan does- IST or Indian Standard Tamasha by Play clan : In colloquial Hindi, the term TAMASHA is used to refer to a commotion, or any activity or display with bustle and excitement, sometimes ironically in the sense of a “tempest in a teacup.”
Art available at Play Clan- do click on the pics to see a bigger, better version.
and cool cushions
Love these journals and would love to get one for myself. I'm definitely going to stop by Play Clan when I'm next in Delhi.
Hand painted fun shoes
Some snapshots of the store
crammed with cool moolah
and crammed with creativity
I love the way they've put designs on everything, they've really explored the idea to the fullest
love the store decor
and the neat display
And this is what Play Clan looks like
When they go green
Then its greeeeen all the way
And leaving with you the kind of work that makes Playclan who they are. Fun, mad and irreverent. Do click on it & read it large.

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