
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I have had it in my head to make a cursive - one piece "Love" for the longest time. And it is thanks to Sunita Thomas, who commissioned me to make one, that these pieces are ready and available for the taking. 
This past month has been busy, what have I been doing? Artnlight is in the process of fulfilling one of its 1st few export orders. All accompanied by the allied entrepreneur- labour shortage issues. And I went through this phase where I hardly used my camera and didn't miss using it. I have been experimenting with using my paints every once in a while, when I have something that I feel is worth sharing I will. It has been an inward looking time and strangely I did not miss blogging or using Facebook extensively either. But like all phases this is coming to its end and I'm happy to share these images with you. I had a beautiful time shooting "Love" and seeing it transform against different backdrops. 

 I had fun shooting these, propping them against different things, places. But this was totally unexpected. I just kept them on the sofa and wow - this just looked so dramatic. All of this is shot in regular broad daylight. No fancy lighting, nothing. All that was required was dancing around them squinting for different angles and watching how it caught the light.
Yes, I do have a few of these ready and they are for sale. Those interested can inbox me on vineeta(dot)artnlight(at)gmail(dot)com
You will definitely see more of me now on. It feels great to be back and I wonder how I stayed away so long. For all of you reading this, thank you for your love and for coming back here.

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