A mood board for 'artnlight'
Tuesday, February 09, 2010I have to share with you this new news- which is that I'm taking an e-course on blogging by my most favourite blogger and author of the iconic decor8. Holly is the person because of whom this blog exists and I have always been amazed by how she does what she does. Like I know that for me, much though I love blogging, there are times when I just dont have the time or the energy & truth be told even the inclination to blog. So when she announced the "Blogging Your way ecourse" I knew I'd sign up. Here is a woman who posts daily atleast twice and never once does she flag, no post seems just a quick thoughtless filler. And she always sounds like she speaks to me. How does someone pull this off 365 days of the year? I had to know. And the time seemed just right, I've quit my full time job to do what I love doing & blogging is one of them. And how the hell does an ecourse work??!! I had to know. And I will tell you this- this ecourse so far has been fully paisa wasool (meaning worth every penny) :)
And today I want to share with all of you one exercise which we've been told to do- create a mood board for your blog. Wow. the 1st mood board I ever created was for a competition Holly ran on her blog much before I started blogging. (You can see it here) And this is the second mood board I've made. This time for 'artnlight' the way I see it and what it stands for. It was really challenging. Cause I never went about this blog with any foresight or planning. And to think about what I want this blog to be therefore what pictures should go into this moodboard has been challenging to put it mildly. But I just pulled out images which anyway appealed to me, some of my design post cards, and things lying around at home & put this together. I think unwittingly it speaks of what this blog is about and what I am about.
And today I want to share with all of you one exercise which we've been told to do- create a mood board for your blog. Wow. the 1st mood board I ever created was for a competition Holly ran on her blog much before I started blogging. (You can see it here) And this is the second mood board I've made. This time for 'artnlight' the way I see it and what it stands for. It was really challenging. Cause I never went about this blog with any foresight or planning. And to think about what I want this blog to be therefore what pictures should go into this moodboard has been challenging to put it mildly. But I just pulled out images which anyway appealed to me, some of my design post cards, and things lying around at home & put this together. I think unwittingly it speaks of what this blog is about and what I am about.

So that was my moodboard which I had a ball putting together- along with some anxious moments of 'this is not coming together well at all!' But I really love the way the colours look :)
If you havent considered doing a mood board for your blog- do try it. Its a great exercise & very insightful to see how you gravitate to a certain style & certain images.