
A few birds and vignettes from home

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My love for colour and strange passion for birds (which I myself didn't know I had) have made themselves evident at home. I swear I didn't go looking for these birds, but when I unpacked from my trip to Rajasthan, I was startled to figure that in total I had bought a duck, a hen, a cock, an owl, a cat and a pig! I could start a menagerie all on my own. These are pictures I clicked long back & Archana of Rangdecor who is also one of my earliest blog buddies had urged me to make a post on my birds- so here they are finally.

This one sits bright on my faded and worn decoupaged table.
I keep re-arranging them around, so this guy now sits on my microwave oven
My orangy owl stares accusingly :)
This is my bathroom wall from the outside. My house has an overdose of orange I admit, but whats to be said- I love the colour to distraction :)
And this is a shot of my living room when there are no guests- the pillows are falling all over each other & I sit on the cane chair and prop my feet on the crumpled sofa. (those who are disgusted may look away ;)
And here is a peek into a part of my bedroom. That's the bedroom door & striped wall reflected in the dresser mirror. I painted it when I was recovering from a bad bout of malaria. I wasn't allowed to watch tv or go out, so I pulled out my paints & happened to this door.

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