
Kala Ghoda Arts festival, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Kala Ghoda Arts festival is when Mumbai celebrates its love for art. And the cuturatis crawl out of every nook and crany armed with cameras of all kinds. Its crazy, almost every one on the streets is shooting & just by bring present physically you are in the way of someone else's 'shot'. And because the crowd is well educated and egalitarian, everyone is apologising to everyone else, yours truly included- it was too funny. That apart, like every year, Kala Ghoda was a splash of colour, a medley of artists, sparkling performances and streets chockfull of interesting people having a good time.
The colourful Khyber restaurant signage behind even more colourful wind-toys

Couldn't resist this 2nd shot

Startling and life size elephants flanked the 'Kala Ghoda'
A closer look at the behemoth

Godrej Cupboards painted in technicolour & stacked on top of each other made for interesting gateway to the action packed streets of Kalaghoda
This is such a terrible photograph of this Huge bell that hung many tiny bells
How prettily it swayed in the sunlight- so I couldn't take one picture of it without a blur :)
I really liked this beautiful larger than life Ganesha from Rare Thought who have almost become permanent feature at the KalaGhoda Arts Festival.
People please appreciate this photograph- I had to wait for 10 whole minutes before I started repeating "excuse me!" loudly so I could shoot this picture.
And now for my personal favourite stall/installation at the festival. GiantWalls is the new initiative by the super talented duo Rahul Gaikwad and Yadnyee Shingre, the same guys behind Giant Robot
They do wall art and wall installations which give the word interesting a twist.
A closer look- all these different dolls arranged neatly- what a neat idea!
And now for the installation which is being referred to as the 'most popular' in all of KalaGhoda- the Sunlight Eiffel Tower by Vikram Arora. Its a brilliant concept & in a nutshell- instead of using up precious electricity to keep the eiffel lit- Vikram proposes Solar panels & lights his eiffel with solar power- cool eh? What I love about Vikrams work is that he is SO strong on concept and how he sees it through to the end.
This is the eiffel looking like the original during the day
And powered by Solar energy at night. You can read a post I made of Vikram's art here. Or see a video of his interview by the Kalaghoda guys here.

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