
Kerala truck graphics

Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is something I've wanted to do for sooo long. Feature truck graphics. And in my short trip to Kerala last month, I was finally able to shoot some of the really typical truck graphics of the state. I haven't seen these kind of trucks in the rest of the country (do correct me if I am wrong) . I've heard Pakistan has some completely incredibly decorated trucks, but shooting that doesn't look possible anytime now :) So here's a look at Kerala's brand of truck decor.

Yellow is a favourite of sorts. I don't blame them, the colour is just gorgeous.
Do check out the decked out name plate and the peacock feathers on the bonnet.
Malayalam (the language spoken in Kerala) and English header boards. Here the eagle is on the bonnet.
I love the different typography on each truck.
And man... just look at this. All the colours in the rainbow find a place on this truck.
There are simple ones as well
Do click on this image. Along with the little 'scenaries' in circles, messages like "Time is money" & "Manners make a man" are woven into the design.
Look for the 'Kathakali' head on the yellow bonnet.
"Man proposes, god disposes" finds place with (probably) the names of the trucker's children
"make love not war" is the message here
The backs of trucks are another area which provides a canvas for creativity
Elephants are an integral part of the Keralite life. They are often part of big temples in Kerala & ritual has it that the Gods are taken on a procession on elephant backs.
This one has the National animal- the tiger
Religion & god are a popular theme
With the backs of the trucks adorned with detailed paintings of Baby Jesus,

Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth
And most appropriately 'Hanuman' the monkey god who symbolises protection.

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