Micheal Young

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Seeing Katrin Olina's work has led me to the iconic Micheal Young. Its true that the best work with the best. Me saying anything about Micheal Young's work will be like holding the candle to the sun. We will see his work & you can read the extremely interesting write up about him here on his website in the 'about' section. It is turning out to be quite an educative day for me :)
Pissarro Dining

Pissarro Dining

The Linited Editions he has created had my jaws hitting the floor
Eames Elephant for Aluminium 10th Anniversary
BirdHouse - newspaper Edition
Birdhouse- Thai Baht edition
My favourite- Zipte link installation

Zipte link installation- close up from the top
Zipte link installation- close up from the side

Schweppes Barware kit
Writing Desk
Zip Zi folder paper

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