Laura Ocampo- Interiors

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby blues and whites- everywhere, from the ceiling to floor. This beautiful house designed by Laura Ocampo is by the sea, in the countryside of Uruguay. "I wished to create a design in which the cool of the sea would be combined with the relaxed atmosphere of the countryside. It became a starting point for the creation of this interior" - Laura Ocampo

This is divinity, on gods earth.
Do click on pictures to view it full size, the feel is entirely different.
Those chairs are neat!
How pristine can life get....
I love how everything is in shades of blue-white

After seeing these images on Apartment Therapy, I headed to Laura Ocampo's website where there was more eclectic brilliance awaiting me.
This is just sooo cool. I love the cushions & the art on the wall.

This is so super crazy beautiful

Loved the simple black white and brown in this room.

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