LOTUS League of Artisans
Tuesday, July 15, 2008Hey, I'm back :) It feels like some 3000 yrs since I've posted. But here I am. I had no intention of posting today and this is unlike how I normally work, I'm in the middle of researching for a project that I'm working on & what do I stumble on? LOTUS by League of artisans whose goal is to use the League of Artisans platform to create sustainable livelihoods for underprivileged Indian artisans – particularly rural and women artisans – and thereby, improve their economic and living conditions. They do do this by providing business support to the artisan groups. And the result is a scrumptious array of the most tastefully done decor elements that are totally Indian in design and spirit.

They've got some really pretty Kalamkari stoles and journals among other interesting things. Do check the site and their rainge of products. They also have some sales going :)