
Will be at the Brides of Mumbai Exhibition, WTC, Cuffe Parade.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

1st of all I want to thank you & pass onto you Aditi Prakash's heartfelt thanks for the amazing response to the Charm Giveaway by Pure Ghee Designs. I want to announce that the Give-away is now officially closed.Thank you to all of you who wrote on their wall & liked them on FB. Aditi tells me your charms on their way :)
One more super quick & super last minute announcement is that I will be taking part in the Brides of Mumbai Exhibition that will take place at World Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade, tomorrow & the day after, 20th & 21st July 2012, 10am to 7pm. Do drop by if you are in that part of town. It is on the 31st floor. Stall no 48. :) See you :) If you are planning on meeting me come on the 20th. See yaaa sooon!!

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