

Friday, July 25, 2008

Embellisher from Bangalore is one girl whose work I've been following for a while now. I'm not really into embroidery or fabrics, so what is her work doing here. Its just that she has SO MUCH FUN with her threads. She loves what she does and it shows and how. Its critical for an artist to experiment and PLAY and there's so much of that here. the lady is also a blogger and you can read her here.

Embellisher is participates in 'Take a Stitch Tuesday' on the Stitchin Fingers site. All embroidery enthusiasts please head that way. Its an entire stitchin world out there!
Embellisher is a Textile Designer who embroiders one of a kind scarves and stoles. A show of her an apparel designer is coming up towards the end of this year. But what completely steals my heart are these SHOW STOPPERS. Do click on them to see a larger version- they are totally worth it.
This is the environmental page. Don't you love that tree? And embroidered typo makes my heart skip a beat.
This is the STAR page. Yes I agree, Embellisher is a f#@%ing STAR :)
A day in the life of Embellisher
These are her darling creative scribbles. KICKASS is what this is called.
Butterflies cross-stitched on muslin and sandwiched between two pages of the book and stitched together with running stitch. "If you want to be happy for a day - get drunk, for a week -kill a pig, for a month- get married, for life - be a gardener. Chinese proverb
I'll leave you with this for a while :)

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