Chandan Dubey's Beautiful Home - Part 1

Friday, November 25, 2011

There are people for whom beauty is a value and even a muse. Such is their commitment to her that in every choice that they make she is apparent. And that is when something magical happens, Beauty decided to grace these spaces and is present as an almost tanglible presence. This can have some strange effects. This is the 1st time that I was meeting Chandan Dubey and many a time when I was having a conversation with her, I would get distracted by the sunlight catching the dull sheen of an antique tray, or see something equally charming, forcing me to pick up my camera mid-sentence. Which without doubt made me a very ill mannered guest. But such is the power of a space lovingly put together, where no corner is ignored and possessions are lovingly collected till they have a voice all of their own. Chandan Dubey is no stranger to all of us, I met her many years ago 1st on flickr and then read her blog, Girl About Home, and once she shifted to Bombay, she came for my exhibition. I have long been a fan of her table scapes and how she puts them together. So we planned and plotted and finally met this month at her place and what a beautiful time we had, speaking of blogging and our lives and circuitous career paths.

Speaking of Chandan's home, it was amazing to see so much colour used so intelligently and in balance. Another delight was seeing how seamlessly Chandan's framed photography, her art and furniture from Hongkong and India came together.

There was no way I could have fitted all of Chandan's stunning home into one post, so stay tuned for the gorgeous part 2.

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