
Monday, December 08, 2008

Colours. Warm, throbbing, soothing and unadulterated. Unapologetic. That is Rajasthan for me. Unapologetic in their love for colour, in their love for their heritage and in their pride in the past. From the senior most octogenarian to the youngest dude from gen next, what is all pervading is a very definite eagerness to explain the glorious heritage and where they come from. Affectionate greetings from street corners, spontaneous conversations, palaces, forts, art on every conceivable surface and the omnipresent Jharokha is what will remain synonymous with this trip. My camera hardly remained idle & in the coming many posts I will share with you the many places we went, interesting restaurants, hotels & shopping information.
But for now here is a quick glimpse of the colour that is Rajasthan.

Colour splashed on the roads. Sarees in the colours of fire in Jodhpur

Beautiful Lehriya from Jaipur
Colourful street-side plastic ware

Rainbow coloured glass bangles

Earthenware piled on walls that tell stories

Walls that sell but with a character all of its own :)

I just LOVED this red phone that I've seen a million times in my city but which suddenly looked so retro & romantic in Rajasthan
bright & shaded hot pink

We picked up one of these on day 1 & it was so handy.

Some snapshots of places we were put up in.
form & colour come together for some eyecandy
The beautiful City palace Jaipur gets decked out for some serious celebration
As do these beautiful gracious women of Rajasthan.
This place understands beauty and colour like none other.

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