News you can Use- Calender 2009
Monday, December 22, 2008We are nearing the end of December and its time to send away another year & bring in a new one. Its the season for new resolutions & new calenders. If you are the kind who is particular about what you look at through out the year AND if you are the kind who could do with some reminders for your better intentions, then I'll seriously recommend this very unique piece of art which also happens to be a handy usable calender. Stick it on your soft board, in your bedroom, anyplace you will see it. It doesn't hurt the eye & it might actually result in something good. It is created by Hemant Anant Jain from Munna on the Run. It is called 'The year of Individual action'. Do click on the picture to read what it is about.
So how do you get hold of one? It comes as part of the December issue of this magazine called "Down to Earth'. And if the copies are not available in the stands in your city, write to them, they are nice people who get back to you very promptly. I have just ordered my copies & will post a pic when my copies come. Do check the website out. They do some very good and necessary work.