Shravan Murgai Jewellery

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The chat I had with young but very determined Shravan Murgai was surely an interesting one, as he took me through his journey that began with learning the ropes with his father's jewellery business, walking the small alleys of Zaveri Bazaar, dealing with diamonds, learning trust, travelling in local trains carrying diamonds worth lakhs and lakhs in his college rucksack, and then giving it all up for a corporate career for 5 years and then coming right back to jewellery. And now, working with artisans, executing his designs, a course in gemology, collaborating with designers, sourcing from talent to bring forth a gorgeous collection of jewellery is what he does now. Shravan's this collection of silver based jewellery is something I had a fantastic time shooting. A first for me. This looked like serious jewellery to me, and I loved playing 'photographer-photographer'.


 So now that you've seen all this gorgeous jewellery, the place & time to pick it up will be: The ART ATTACK Exhibition, 4 Nanak Niwas, Warden Road, Mumbai. 10 am- 8pm on the 19th & 20th of July. Be there guys, all this and more waits for you :)

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