A cooler 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009 for me smells of change. There is so much that I'd like to change here and there's so much that I know must change, but I balk at it. So I'll take bite sized chunks & these are the things I'd like to do here this coming year- there I'm saying it in print. Committment!!!! God, given a chance I'd run miles away, but who knows- maybe I'm changing ;)

-Expanding my comfort zone is definitely what I'm looking at, so I will be a lot more open about the things I will write about, less 'No's' an more Yes's will happen here.
-I'm going to look at all colours. Meaning, colours that don't get seen too often on this blog, namely the cooler colours in the spectrum. So here's looking at a cooler 'artnlight' in 2009! :)
-There will be more of my photography, this is something I'm really looking forward to.
-More experimenting, I will be looking at different formats, more designing.
-I will share more of my work here this year, the stuff i do that really gives me joy.
-More people homes will be featured.

I have no clue how I'm going to do all this, but this is the intention :)
And then the perennial attempt, to post more often. If I swing this one, then you will automatically see a lot of the above happening.
I'll get into action right away and kick start the year with a post on blue. The colour of the sky. Think of it, it holds every other below it. God must think pretty highly of this colour if he chooses to paint his sky with it on most days ;)

I loved this Indigo spread that Elle Decor did in a recent issue.
The magic of Blue in Indian interiors.
Check this door out.
A blue Krishna, a blue peacock and a beautiful blue bottles.

Blue accents or furniture work beautifully with wood.
And here's where life gets more exiting. Pale blue-green with touches of yellow.
As usual I've saved my favourite image for the last. I love everything about this room. There is so much charachter here. This is the seaside loft I want to be in.

Images from my unnamed referencing from the net, Elle decor issue August maybe and BBC's 101 living Rooms.

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