Viya Home

Monday, November 05, 2007

I saw an ad in Elledecor which looked beautiful. And since these day I'm on a constant lookout for new things to feature here, I checked the website for a lark. Am i glad i did or what. (Archana I wondered where you got your gorgeous side bar visual from- now i know) Its eyecandy time guys!
Viya home is a store which has a presence in Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai (wonder why they left out Mumbai) and is partonised by the whos who of this country. You will see why.

Ceramic vases & lacquer and metal urns never looked better.

Indigenous wood from India, Indonesia, Burma and Thailand are used to produce these sculptural pieces
Antique Javanese sculpture & finds from South East Asia.

Handpainted architectural panels
Traditional Himalayan brass candlestands
Images from

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