Runjhun Jain, Stylist.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm so sick of not having time to blog - that here is my bloody minded 'I will blog, I don't care of I don't have time' post. That felt good :) Here is introducing to you my good friend Runjhun Jain's whole new aspect of talent. Along with making the most amazing illustrations & drawings which I blogged about earlier, Runjhun's sense of style is something I've been a fan of for the longest time. This a shoot she styled and art directed for the brand BE: and its been shot by Shekhar (Supari) Phalke one of the most talented young photographers in the country today. After much persuasion, Runjhun has been convinced to share these images and her talent - I have never met a more self effacing creative person. Every image you see here is a studio shot - which means it has been created from scratch in an empty studio - as against finding a pretty space, propping it up & shooting it there. It makes me look at it with that much more respect.

Love that little Tea Tin in the corner
Very very English.

and one little yellow duck is all you need to brighten up your bath :)
panelled walls always work for me

I want to kidnap that clock right out of this picture
Saved the last 2 of my fav shots for the end. I love how graphic these shots look.
And to know more about this talented powerhouse read her interview at desicreative here.

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