On the roads of Mumbai/Bombay.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Of late I have been using my camera quite a bit and it goes with me where I go, so here's a taste of Bombay roads, the colour, the grime and a lot of how fellow vehicles look in traffic. Close ups and crops of Trucks, the local BEST buses and even the inside of an auto rickshaw. As usual I am drawn to pattern and colour thats what you will see in this post. Not the whole picture ~ but a colourful part of it. Enjaay!

Truck Graphics in super bright colours are an integral part of Indian Roads. We just love colour and will splash it on all the things we love.

The inside of an auto rickshaw. Clearly some Holi revellers have left their mark.
By the time I craned my neck out of the speeding cab & got the focus right on my DSLR, this would have whizzed by. Here's where a good old point and shoot comes handy.

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